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The Data Analytics bootcamp follows a similar structure to the rest of our bootcamps, where you can join as a lecturer/lead teacher or teaching assistant. These bootcamps will be ran both on-site at the Le Wagon cities and online all over the world. The flow of a typical day is:

📣Lecture 9:00 - 10:30

Lecture from the lecturer, it should never last longer than 1 hour and 45 minutes.

At the end ask students to prepare questions if they have any for the Q&A session.

☕️TA Meeting 10:30 - 10:35

TA meeting with lecturer to kick start the day, say hello and highlight any potential issue.

❓Q&A Session 10:40 - 10:55

Go back to the students and answer their remaining questions.

📊Performance check 11:30

A few TAs should go off duty and check in with students who haven't pushed the first challenge (you can see them on slack), to help them finish it. It's important for student morale that no one goes to lunch without having finished a single challenge.

🥙Lunch break 13:00

Lecturer should toggle lunch break, after you finish your current ticket you should take at least 1 hour of break (you don't need to go back on duty when lunch break finishes if you haven't had 1 hour of break yet).

⏰Recap reminder 16:45

Lecturer sends reminder to take a break before recap, TAs should do the same on their individual tickets.

💻Recap 17:00 - 18:00

Recap from the lecturer, it should not last more than 1 hour.